Sunday, 22 December 2013

Christmas in Nursery!

We’ve had a very busy few weeks in the run up to Christmas.
  • We’ve made our Christmas cards, calendars, reindeer cakes and threaded beads to make a candy cane for our Christmas tree at home.
  • We had our Christmas trip to Planet Ice in Cardiff to see Alice in Wonderland.
  • We had our Christmas party with Link Up – which was lots of fun!
  • We had an open morning. Our Mums and Dads came to see us perform in our concert. They stayed for a cup of coffee and a mince pie and joined in with lots of activities.

We are all looking forward to a rest over Christmas ready for a busy term in Spring!

Monday, 2 December 2013

The Jolly Postman

The Jolly Postman

We have been learning about the Jolly Postman.
On the Writing Table we’ve been writing letters, sticking on stamps and posting them in our class post box.
We have been doing lots of things to help us learn 2D shapes. We have cut out shapes to make Shape Monsters. We have been sorting shapes. On the IPad we have got a Shape Lotto game which we all love. 


Sunday, 20 October 2013

The Gingerbread Man

This week we have been looking at the story of The Gingerbread Man. We have been reading the story and have learned a song. We made our own playdough and added ginger to it. We used special cutters to make different size Gingerbread Men. We painted some Gingerbread Men too this week. When they are dry we will be sticking on some eyes, mouths and buttons. We have had lots of new apps on our Ipad this week. Our favourite is a sorting game. We are learning to sort colours and shapes.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

  • This week we have been using our new puppets to act out the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
  • We helped Mrs Azzopardi to make the playdough. This week we added porridge oats to our playdough.
  • We have been practising our scissor skills by cutting along straight lines and cutting out shapes.

Autumn Term 2013

Autumn Term

We have had a very busy few weeks in our new class.

We went on the bikes for the very first time. Everyone had such a good time – we can’t wait until next week to go on them again!

We have been learning about the story of The Three Little Pigs. We’ve been using puppets to tell the story, we’ve been painting pigs, we’ve been counting pigs and we’ve made some lovely pigs using pink playdough.

Friday, 24 May 2013

New Things!

What an exciting week we have had………
It has been a week of lots of NEW things!!

On Monday we had 5 new little girls join our class. We have all been good friends to them and have looked after them all week.

On Tuesday Mrs Jarrold gave us a pony called Buttons to look after. He has had such a busy week with us…… playing outside, going on the bikes and even doing lots of work!

Also this week we had our new IPad cover! We all LOVE using the IPad. Miss Smyth is really pleased with how we have been sharing it and taking turns.


Friday, 10 May 2013

Our Trip to Bristol Zoo

Let’s Explore……. The zoo

What a busy week!!

We have been counting lots of zoo animals and learning to recognise and write numbers to 10.

We used lolly sticks in the playdough to make enclosures for our zoo animals.

On Wednesday we went on our trip to Bristol Zoo. We had a FAB day! We saw lots of different animals, had a picnic lunch and some of us played in the park! All the tired children had a little nap on the bus on the way home!!!!



Friday, 3 May 2013

Let's explore ...... Colour

We spent the week exploring colours

  • We sorted the teddies into the colour trays.
  • We went on a colour hunt around the school. We had a checklist and pen to tick off the colours we found.
  • We made lots of colours when we were colour mixing. We painted hands a different colour and then rubbed our hands together to see what colour they would be.
  • On Friday we wore our favourite colour clothes to school.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Termly Topic

Dear Parents,    

Our topic this term is

 Let’s Explore…….

This week we are exploring colours. On Friday the children can wear their favourite colour to school (either just a top or their whole outfit)

The other topics we will be looking at this half term are……

Let’s Explore…….  The Zoo
Let’s Explore……. The Garden

We look forward to seeing our very colourful classes on Friday!

Mrs Ward & Miss Smyth

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Science Week

We helped Mrs Azzopardi to make our playdough. We mixed flour, salt and water together, then added food colouring to make it change colour.

We did the Milk Swirl Experiment. We put milk into a bowl. We added food colouring and washing up liquid. This made the milk and the colours swirl.

We spent the week learning about Healthy and Not Healthy food. Our favourite part of the week was when we played a game called Greedy Gorilla.