Friday, 10 July 2020

Reception Home Learning 


Hello children!  

I hope you and your families are all safe, happy and healthy.  

Those of you who have been to school over the last 2 weeks – I hope you have enjoyed catching up on some work and seeing your friends and teachers!  


Can you believe this is the last week before the summer holidays start?  

You have all done amazingly well throughout lockdown. It’s been a very strange time for us all but you have kept your smiles and continued to work hard. I am SO proud of you for this!  

As your teachers, it has felt really bizarre not to be in school with you every day! We have missed you all so very much!  


We hope you have a super duper summer! Let’s hope for some sunshine so you can all enjoy doing wonderful things with your families and friends.  

Have fun! Stay safe! 


Much love, 

Mrs Reynolds Xx  Mrs Bond Xx  Mrs Hughes Xx 




If you can – send some of the activities or other things you’ve done. We always love to see them.  

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Reception Home Learning

Hello children! 
I hope you and your families are all safe, happy and healthy. 
Well…. this week some of you will be returning to school – how exciting!
Everyone there can not wait to see you! It will feel a little different but I’m
sure you will just enjoy being back. There is a video on the blog page if you
want to have a sneak peek at how our school looks. 
If you are not yet ready to return to school I will be giving you a ring over
the next week or two to have a little catch up and see how you are. 
Here are some activities to keep you busy over the next 2 weeks. All the
activities are about SUMMER! We’ve had such lovely weather I thought we
should celebrate it! Let’s hope I don’t jinx us and make it rain every day!! 
Remember your DAILY FIVE too. These can just be something quick and easy
(see the ideas sheet) 
You have all done so well with your work so far. Just a few more weeks then
it will be the summer holidays and time for you to rest. Yay!
Massive thanks to all your wonderful parents/carers for their homeschool
efforts. They have been incredible throughout all this and I think they are
If you can – send some of the activities or other things you’ve done. I always
love to see them. 
Here is my email……

Stay safe and keep smiling! 
Much Love,

Mrs Reynolds. X

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Weeks 8 and 9 hometasks

Reception Home Learning 


Hello children!  


I hope you and your families are all safe and well.  

Rea and I have been spending so much time in the garden and have noticed lots of bees buzzing around. So we started to learn a bit about them and we thought you might like to. We have also been busy looking after our plants and flowers to make sure they grow. 

I have really LOVED the emails you’ve been sending. You have all been so busy! Me, Mrs Bond and Mrs Hughes get very excited to see your photos/videos and read about what you’ve been up to. Keep them coming!  

Here are some more activities for you to try to complete for the next weeksThere are 2 activities each day and also the DAILY FIVE. These can just be something quick and easy (see the ideas sheet)  

If you can – send us some of the activities or other things you’ve done. We’d love to see them. 

Here is my email…… 


Stay safe and keep smiling!  


Much Love, 

Mrs Reynolds. X