Sunday, 17 May 2020

Week 5 Hometasks - Please scroll down to see the grids

Reception Home Learning

Hello children! 

I hope you are all ok and keeping yourselves busy! 
Here are some more activities for you to try to complete for the next week while you’re at home. There are 2 activities each day and also the DAILY FIVE. These can just be something quick and easy (see the ideas sheet) 
The week after should be our half term break. Make sure you use this time to have a rest, enjoy the sunshine, have a pyjama day and most of all let the grown ups in your house relax too (even if it’s just for 5 minutes!) 
THANK YOU for the emails and photos you have been sending me these last few weeks. I have loved seeing what you have been up to. You have been doing such wonderful things at home and I feel very lucky that I get to see them. Your photos have really made me smile! Please, please keep it up! 
Here is my email……
Looking forward to hearing from you! 
Stay safe and keep smiling! 

Much Love,
Mrs Reynolds. X

Ideas for Daily Five
Reading – share stories and books you have at home. Read to younger/older siblings. Read magazines if you have them. Read or listen to e-books online (go to Help to read recipes, instructions for games, help to find your class page on the school blog, read signs when you go for a walk. Find familiar words/letter sounds in the newspaper, in books, in your post.

Maths – Everyday counting… count when you walk up stairs/steps, count things around the house/garden, look at house numbers on a local walk, identify numbers on a clock and ask a grown up to help you to tell the time. Measures.... find things that are big/small, think of other words we use for big and small, help to weigh out ingredients if you bake, find things that are heavy/light, think of other words we use for heavy and light. Explore money…. identify different coins, count them, compare them, use coins to pretend to buy things. 

Keep Fit – walk, jog or run, enjoy a bike/scooter ride, time on your trampoline (if you have one) exercises in the garden, dancing. Cosmic Kids Yoga and Joe Wicks P.E (both on You Tube) We LOVE Joe Wicks in my house!! 

Being Creative draw, paint, collage, chalks on your patio/driveway, make junk models, bake a cake, help to make a meal, build with Lego/blocks or sets, use dolls or figures to act out a story. Sing songs ( or ( make actions, dance and perform. Maybe have a family talent night! 

Celebrating – Each day think about and talk about something that you have done well or enjoyed doing and celebrate it!  Can you ask others in your house if they have something to celebrate?   

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